Olympia Men's Project

Monday, September 26, 2005

October calendar

Holy Smokes! Its almost the end of September! This means it is time to start getting OMP's October calendar out into the world. This calendar is subject to change, so check up with us to get the latest scoop on what OMP has going on.

The events we have planned so far are...

Scary Homo Movie Night - Come hang out and witness the scary gay movie core group member Nick Williams selects for us. Email us if you have any suggestions. October 6th, 7-9 at UCAN.

Sushi night/Gay Sex Discussion- Come eat and make rolls of raw fish while discussing things that our often taboo even among us queers. October 10th. Contact us for the time and place.

Core Group- Get together with a group of awesome gay/bi/trans/queer guys to plan activities and decide on the direction of Olympia Men's Project. October 13th, 6-8pm.

haunted Corn Maize- We are heading up to the Rutledge Corn Maize up towards Tenino. The cost is $10 for the maize and the haunted house. We are meeting at 7:30 at UCAN and car pooling together.

GVHP's Gender Smash- 8-12 at Manium. Contact GVHP for more info at g_v_h_p@yahoo.com.

Core Group- 6-8 at UCAN.

Pumpkin Carving and Potluck- We are meeting up at 5:00. Call for location.


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